Well in this case OTA actually stands for Over The Air Update – aha. No really – the definition being “An over-the-air update is the wireless delivery of new software or data to mobile phones and tablets.” you can find a definition here from Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over-the-air_programming that says “Over-the-air programming (OTA) refers to various methods of distributing new software updates”.
What’s this got to do with us everyday people? well in future or in fact right now ‘things’ such as Cars can benefit from this.
Still don’t believe me – then see this article – http://www.computerworld.com/article/2880150/over-the-air-software-coming-soon-to-your-next-car.html which says “OTA software upgrades will not only affect your entertainment system but power train and vehicle safety systems.” One car company upgraded all their cars ‘over the air’ to be able to crawl at 3mph in traffic.
In his book ‘Enchanted Objects’ (that I have just read) David Rose talks about simple everyday items that can help the world and its people using simple, very easy-to-use items connected to Technology that relies on OTA basically.
A classic example being the Glowcap. http://www.vitality.net/glowcaps.html It reminds you when to take your prescription medicine. Can re-order it for you.
The Ambient Umbrella that is connected to the internet weather in your area and so can glow and remind you to take it with you when its going to rain. http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/the-ambient-umbrella-30-12-2009/
Yes it could be called Geeky – but also useful? I bet the first time you put an appointment in your phone diary it felt that way?
Wireless networks and systems now enable all kinds of things – with the ‘big name’ being put on it of ‘The Internet of things’. What’s a thing? Not a trick question – it’s anything that can have a URL or be connected to the internet. Systems like Hive and Thermostat 2.0 are the beginning of this – controlling your home(s) temperature via an App. No wires!
Will this all help Hospitality? Yes – in the end it must – but we must embrace it. Food and meal ordering online at big events and shows. Stadia are leading the way in this area. Hotels could be advised that guests are on their way into the hotel to check in – the air conditioning or heating set in advance. Restaurants advised their customer is within x yards/metres and imminent for their table so that their wine or aperitif is already on the table when they arrive.
No queues – imagine. TV channels already set. Films already queued up perhaps? What customer would NOT want that ?